
上海市郊区养殖场周边环境中砷含量特征 被引量:6

Characteristics of Arsenic Content in the Livestock Farms' Surrounding Environment in Shanghai Suburbs
摘要 在上海市郊区选取5个大型养殖场,分别采集地表水、饲料、土壤及蔬菜样品,对其进行总砷及无机砷含量调查,以了解目前上海市郊区养殖场砷含量水平特征,以及有机胂饲料添加剂的使用情况.结果表明,水样中总砷含量介于0.00~23.00μg·L-1之间,低于国家规定的地表水环境质量一级标准(50μg·L-1);饲料中总砷含量在0.40~12.13 mg·kg-1之间,其中无机砷占总砷的10.0%~80.0%;抽查饲料样品中总砷含量范围为0.16~21.39 mg·kg-1,无机砷含量在0.003~10.67mg·kg-1之间,其中超过饲料中砷的限量标准的占16.7%;土壤中总砷含量介于8.08~18.50 mg·kg-1,22.2%的土壤样品中总砷含量超过土壤环境质量一级标准,土壤中无机砷占总砷44.2%~78.9%;蔬菜中总砷含量在0.003~0.093 mg·kg-1之间,均低于国家规定的限量标准0.50 mg·kg-1;同种蔬菜不同部位砷含量存在一定差异:根部含砷量要高于地上部分,蔬菜中总砷富集系数与总砷含量呈明显的正相关,与根际土壤中砷含量呈一定的负相关. In the suburbs of Shanghai,selected five large farms and surface water,feed,soil and vegetable samples were collected, and then total and inorganic arsenic were detected to survey the current arsenic level of the livestock farms in Shanghai suburban,as well as the usage situation of organic arsenic as feed additives. The results showed that the total arsenic content in water samples ranged from 0. 00 μg·L- 1to 23. 00 μg·L- 1,below the first standard of surface water quality( 50 μg·L- 1); total arsenic in feed was among 0. 40-12. 13 mg·kg- 1,in which inorganic arsenic was 10. 0%-80. 0%; total arsenic in spot-checking feed samples was 0. 16-21. 39 mg·kg- 1and inorganic arsenic was 0. 003-10. 67 mg·kg- 1,and samples exceeding the limits of arsenic in feed accounted for 16. 7%; total arsenic content in soils ranged from 8. 08-18. 50 mg·kg- 1,in which 22. 2% samples were higher than the first standard of soil environmental quality,and inorganic arsenic accounted for 44. 2%-78. 9% of total arsenic; vegetables' total arsenic was 0. 003-0. 093 mg·kg- 1,not higher than the maximal residue limit of 0. 50 mg·kg- 1on the current national standard; there were some differences in different parts of the same species vegetables on arsenic content: arsenic content in roots were higher than that in the aboveground part, and the bioconcentration factors showed a significantly positive correlation with the arsenic content in vegetables and a negative correlation with the arsenic content in rhizosphere.
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期1928-1932,共5页 Environmental Science
基金 上海市自然科学基金项目(12ZR1420200) 国家质检公益性行业科研专项(201310269)
关键词 养殖场 水样 饲料 土壤 蔬菜 砷含量 farms water feed soil vegetable arsenic content
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