类Fenton反应关键是催化剂的活性,利用浸渍法负载铁、钴双金属对天然矿物材料进行改性,提高其催化活性,并运用扫描式电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线能谱仪(EDS)、X射线衍射(XRD)等表征手段对负载前后的材料进行表征分析.结果表明负载后材料中生成Fe2O3和Co Fe2O4两种新物质.将合成的催化剂用于催化H2O2氧化阳离子红3R染料废水,在催化剂投加量3 g·L-1,H2O2投加量0.3 m L·L-1,反应时间1 h条件下,100 mg·L-1阳离子红3R废水脱色率可达99.8%,TOC去除率可达58.4%,催化剂中活性组分主要为表面负载的Fe2O3和Co Fe2O4,电子自旋共振(ESR)分析表明催化氧化过程中产生羟基自由基,阳离子红3R发色基团在1 min已被完全破坏,光谱分析表明反应过程中有小分子物质生成.催化氧化效果受染料废水初始p H值影响小,适应p H范围广,解决了传统Fenton反应p H条件苛刻的问题.研究结果为印染废水处理提供了具有工程应用潜力的技术方法.
Catalyst supported on pyrite was prepared by the impregnation method to enhance the activity of catalyst and characterized by scanning electron microscope( SEM),energy dispersive spectrometer( EDS) and X-ray diffraction( XRD). Some Fe2O3 and Co Fe2O4 species were formed on the surface of pyrite. Synthetized catalyst was used to catalyze H2O2 oxidative discoloration of azo dye. Under the conditions of the catalyst adding dosageof 3 g·L- 1,H2O2 adding dosageof 0. 3 m L·L- 1,and the oxidation reaction timeof 1 h,results showed that about 99. 8% of color removal rate and 58. 4% of TOC removal rate could be achieved. The active ingredients of catalyst were Fe2O3 and Co Fe2O4. Hydroxyl radical was determined during the reaction by ESR technology,the chromophore of dyes could be destroyed with 1 min,and small molecular substances might be produced during the process according to the spectrum analysis. Reaction with wide p H ranges is beneficial to overcome the limitation of traditional Fenton reactions. This technology might be used as a potential alternative for treatment of recalcitrant wastewater.
Environmental Science