
北京电动出租车与燃油出租车生命周期环境影响比较研究 被引量:22

Comparative Life Cycle Environmental Assessment Between Electric Taxi and Gasoline Taxi in Beijing
摘要 燃油机动车尾气排放是导致城市包括雾霾在内的大气环境问题的主要来源之一.以电动汽车替代传统燃油车是当前各国解决城市大气污染问题的重要举措.北京于2011年启动了电动出租车推广计划.为比较北京市迷迪电动汽车和现代燃油车生命周期的环境影响,运用生命周期评价方法,基于Ga Bi4.4软件,选用CML2001和EI99影响评价模型对两款车的生产、使用和报废回收全生命周期过程的环境影响进行了定量评价,并针对汽车报废里程和电力能源结构进行了敏感性分析.结果表明,从全生命周期视角,根据EI99评价模型,迷迪电动汽车环境影响总体上优于现代燃油车,尤其在削减化石能源消耗方面优势凸显,但在生态系统质量影响及人体健康影响方面却略有增大的趋势;利用CML2001模型对比分析得出迷迪电动汽车比燃油出租车在对非生物资源消耗、全球变暖以及臭氧层损耗等方面有明显改善;但在生产阶段尤其是动力系统生产方面在非生物资源消耗、酸化、富营养化、全球变暖、光化学臭氧合成、臭氧层损耗、生态毒性等生态环境影响却均有增大趋势.使用阶段电力生产是迷迪电动汽车非生物资源消耗、酸化、富营养化、全球变暖、光化学臭氧合成、生态毒性等环境影响的主要来源;而现代燃油出租车使用阶段的环境影响主要来源于尾气排放和汽油生产,其中尾气排放是造成现代燃油车在富营养化和全球变暖等方面影响潜值较大的主要原因;基于清单数据库,针对致霾因子影响分析得出,在2010年北京市电力能源驱动下,迷迪电动车明显增加了超细颗粒物(PM2.5)、氮氧化物(NOx)、硫氧化物(SOx)、挥发性有机物(volatile organic compouds,VOCs)等因子的全生命周期的排放,而同时降低了氨气(NH3)的排放量,使用阶段排放的差别是造成上述趋势的主要原因.对关键因素敏感性分析发现,随着报废里程以及清洁能源比例的增加,迷迪电动汽车相对现代燃油车的单位里程碳减排量呈现增加的趋势.清洁电力能源的使用可大幅降低迷迪电动汽车致霾污染物的排放量.根据分析结果,为北京市电动车的推广提出了对策建议. Tailpipe emission of internal combustion engine vehicle( ICEV) is one of the main sources leading to atmospheric environmental problems such as haze. Substituting electric vehicles for conventional gasoline vehicles is an important solution for reducing urban air pollution. In 2011,as a pilot city of electric vehicle,Beijing launched a promotion plan of electric vehicle. In order to compare the environmental impacts between Midi electric vehicle( Midi EV) and Hyundai gasoline taxi( ICEV),this study created an inventory with local data and well-reasoned assumptions,and contributed a life cycle assessment( LCA) model with Ga Bi4. 4software and comparative life cycle environmental assessment by Life cycle impact analysis models of CML2001( Problem oriented) and EI99( Damage oriented),which included the environmental impacts of full life cycle,manufacture phase,use phase and end of life.The sensitivity analysis of lifetime mileage and power structure was also provided. The results indicated that the full life cycle environmental impact of Midi EV was smaller than Hyundai ICEV,which was mainly due to the lower fossil fuel consumption. On the contrary,Midi EV exhibited the potential of increasing the environmental impacts of ecosystem quality influence and Human health influence. By CML2001 model,the results indicated that Midi EV might decrease the impact of Abiotic Depletion Potential,Global Warming Potential,Ozone Layer Depletion Potential and so on. However,in the production phase,the impact of Abiotic Depletion Potential,Acidification Potential,Eutrophication Potential,Global Warming Potential,Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential,Ozone Layer Depletion Potential,Marine Aquatic Ecotoxicity Potential,Terrestric Ecotoxicity Potential,Human Toxicity Potential of Midi EVwere increased relative to Hyundai ICEV because of emissions impacts from its power system especially the battery production. Besides,in the use phase,electricity production was the main process leading to the impact of Abiotic Depletion Potential,Acidification Potential,Eutrophication Potential,Global Warming Potential,Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential,Marine Aquatic Ecotoxicity Potential,Freshwater Aquatic Ecotoxicity Potential,Human Toxicity Potential. While for Hyundai ICEV,gasoline production and tailpipe emission were the primary sources of environmental impact in the use phase. Tailpipe emission was a significant cause for increase in Eutrophication Potential and Global Warming Potential,and so forth. On the basis of inventory data analysis and 2010 Beijing electricity mix,the comparative results of haze-induced pollutants emissions showed that the full life cycle emissions of PM2. 5,NOx,SOx,VOCs of Midi EV were higher than those of Hyundai ICEV,but the emission of NH3 was lower than that of Hyundai ICEV.Different emissions in use phase were the chief reason leading to this trend. In addition,by sensitivity analysis the results indicated that with the increase of lifetime mileage and proportion of cleaning energy,the rate of GHG( Green House Gas) emission reduction per kilometer of Midi EV became higher with respect to Hyundai ICEV. Haze-induced pollutants emission from EV could be significantly reduced using cleaner power energy. According to the assessment results,some management strategies aiming at electric car promotion were proposed.
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期1105-1116,共12页 Environmental Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71173208 71373259)
关键词 低碳交通 生命周期评价 环境影响 电动汽车 低碳转型 low carbon transportation life cycle assessment environmental impact electric vehicle low carbon transformation
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