Zuozhuan and Guoyu recorded some ancient legend happened before the Western Zhou Dynasty.Zuozhuan and Guoyu have three characteristics in citing ancient legend:a lot of ancient legend had effects on the ancient emperors,and identified a more detailed system about ancient emperors;Xia Shang Zhou or Yu Xia Shang Zhou had been stated in a row;the purpose of citing ancient legend were various and the way of citing ancient legend were very flexible.Recording ancient legend in Zuozhuan and Guoyualso had obvious regional characteristics.The vassal states in the Yellow River basin had different emperor system from the vassal states in the Yangtze River basin.This two kinds of emperor systems’backgrounds were state culture and nature culture respectively.After Xia and Shang,the vassal states in the Yellow River basin continuously went south to plunder copper mine.North culture and south culture communicated with each other in this course.
Chinese Books and Sinology