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2U.S. Department of Defense. Quadrennial Defense Review Report, Washington, D.C., 2001.
3U.S. Government Accountability Office. Higher Education: Federal Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Programs and Related Trends. GAO2005.
4National Science and Technology Council Executive Office of the President. Science for the 21st Century, http: //www. ostp. gov/nstc/ 21stCentury/Finalsm. pdf, 2004.
5National Science Board. Undergraduate Science, Mathematics and Engineering Education, 1986.
6National Science Foundation. Shaping the Future: Strategies for Revitalizing Undergraduate Education. Proceedings from the National Working Conference, 1996.
7The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Sustaining the Nation's Innovation Ecosystem: Report on Maintaining the Strength of Our Science & Engineering Capabilities, http://www. ostp. gov/PCAST/FINALPCASTSE CAPABILITIESPACKAGE. pdf, 2004.
8U.S. Department of Education. Report of the Academic Competitiveness Council, Washington, D.C., 2007.