3月13日晚,上汽·上海文化广场举行了盛大的'爱上剧院的理由'2017年度演出季发布会,为新一年的精彩纷呈拉开序幕。发布会以'我们'为主题,公布了全年演出活动安排,8部年度推荐音乐剧一一揭晓,宣告'音乐剧大年'的开启。其中,《魔法坏女巫》(Wicked)、《保镖》(The Bodyguard)、《西区故事》(West Side Story)以及年度制作《我的遗愿清单》(My Bucket List)的主演纷纷亮相,表演了剧中经典曲目。同时公布的还有年中大戏《保镖》的票务政策。
On the evening of 13 th March Shanghai Automotive Corporation and Shanghai Culture Square launched the 2017 show season presentation which is named "the reason to love opera".This is just the beginning of wonderful year.The theme of presentation is "we".The presentation has launched the schedual of whole year:8 recommended darmas in 2017 has been disclosed which indicates the start of music drama year.Amomg them the leading actors and actresses of "Wicked" "The Bodyguard" "West Side Story" and "My Bucket List" have appeared and perform the classical part of the dramas.The ticket policy of "The Bodyguard" has also been launched.
Airport Journal