'音乐是人类共有的宝贝,我要与大家一起来分享它',马友友在一次上海之行中道出了他与音乐、与人们分享乐趣的快乐。是的,收藏了好些年的CD,现在拿出来与大家一起分享,我也深感快乐。音乐是一样很感性的东西,所以听音乐也是如此,选择什么样的音乐由彼时的心境,生活体验而定,每个阶段所喜爱的音乐部不尽相同。有时会对整部作品拍手叫绝,有日寸则对其中一个乐章、甚至是一个乐句的赞叹。聆赏古典音乐是一件非常美妙的事1青,其实最让人欣喜的还是古典音乐本身,它展示的是古典的智慧和超凡的乐音组合。在学生时代培养的兴趣一生都会受益,那时老师规定我们多听多看多比较,从巴洛克,甚至更早的中世纪音乐到古典、浪漫、印象、民族乐派到20世纪先锋音乐,所以对古典CD的收藏也成了我一个嗜好,进了电台后,因为工作原因,也接触到一些当今的称为世界元素的一些音乐,而电影音乐又是我的一个爱好,所以手边的CD品种繁多:古典、现代、电影音乐、NEW AGE音乐……只要是好的,都喜欢。但无论怎样,总还是会偏颇于一些特别深人内心的东西,有时一个乐句、一个旋律就可撩起我的某种1胄愫,触摸到内心的最深处。
"Music is our common treasure I would like to share it with people" Ma You You once shares his happiness with people on his trip in Shanghai.I feel very happy to share with you my favorite CD I have kept for years.Music is emotional so does listening to it.Since people choose different music depands on their emotion and experience at that time they like various music in different phase.Sometimes they are interested in the works while sometimes in an chapter or one clause.Listenning to classic music is very exciting while the most exciting thing is classic music itself.It exhibits great wisdom of class and combination.I get benifts from the habits when I foster in my student’s times.At that time my tutor ask us to listen see compare more from Baroc Middle Century music to classic romantic ethics etc so I collect classic CD as my hobby.When I worked in radio station I keep contact with some world music while cinema musib is my another favorite.I have various CD including classic morden cinema and New Age music.I love good music however I still love the music beat my heart whatever it is one clause or melody.
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