在集装箱岸边装卸桥小车电机控制系统的基础上 ,增加一套PLC故障诊断和保护控制装置 ,原系统的继电器控制回路和转速控制回路继续使用。同时新增的PLC系统可替代原逻辑控制和调速控制系统 ,两套系统可切换运行从而提高系统的可靠性和设备连续运行能力。新系统增加编码器测速 ,由PLC实现转速闭环控制 ,提高调速性能 ;PLC现场采集电机参数 ,对小车系统进行故障判断和分析 ,同时保存历史数据。这对系统的保护和桥吊工程技术人员分析系统故障具有较高的应用价值。
This paper discusses new trolley safety control system with PLC based on the original relay control system to act as fault diagnosis and protection control. New PLC system uses new encoder detecting motor speed and realize speed loop controller to increase the timing performance. At the same time, PLC collects information of local system, diagnosis the running status, fault, calculates the motor model to get simulated speed besides the encoder, and save the date before fault for replaying and analysissing. Any way, series problems will cause PLC output to stop the system running. The multi model control makes the system more safe and more applicable.
Journal of Shanghai Maritime University
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