介绍钻井平台运输市场的情况和半潜船作业的过程 ,探讨半潜船运输钻井平台可行性分析的过程和内容 ,介绍并评价可行性分析用到的遭遇风浪数据库IMDSS、切片法等技术。计算实例证明 ,利用波浪预报和切片理论相结合分析运输可行性的方法 ,可以得到满足工程需要的分析结果。
With a rig on board, Semi submersible heavy lift vessel has a very high position of gravity center, and then poor stability. For the sake of safety, it is necessary to assess feasibility of the transportation. In this paper the shipping market of rig and heavy lift vessel operation is introduced; the feasibility analysis process and content of rig transportation by heavy lift vessel is also described; the technology of the metocean database IMDSS and strip theory used in feasibility analysis is introduced and evaluated. It is indicated by calculated example that the feasibility analysis method combining precise forecast of wave and wind with strip theory can give satisfactory results for engineering.
Navigation of China