本文从文化起源论、文化类型论、文化复兴论、文化传播论及汉字与中医论等方面 ,对活跃于五四前后的东方文化派独树一帜的中国文化观进行了系统梳理和评析。从整体上看 ,东方文化派的中国文化观表现出反思新文化运动、批判西化主义 ,重塑中国文化形象、因应世界文化对话 ,及强烈的文化民族主义情绪三大时代特色 ,是当时国人文化自觉与民族觉醒的深刻反映。但同时 ,亦存在忽视文化时代性、盲目自大与虚骄等缺陷。
This paper has commented the inimitable Chinese Cultural concept of the Oriental Culture School, its activities before and after the May 4th movement, the cultural origin, the cultural type, the cultural rejuvenation theory, the cultural spreading, Chinese Characters and the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. In the general, the concept of Chinese Culture of the Oriental Culture School's three characteristics are the reflection of the new cultural movement, the criticism of the westernizing culture and the remolding of Chinese Cultural image and the cultural nationalism, which is the profound reflection of the culture conscious and the national awakening of Chinese. At the same time, the paper also discusses the defects overlook the cultural characteristics of times, the sheer parochial arrogance and pride, etc.
Journal of Lanzhou Railway University