高校扩招后出现了人才培养和毕业生就业之间的矛盾 ,解决这一矛盾的根本出路在一方面努力提高教学质量 ,培养与社会需求相接轨的人才 ;另一方面积极开拓就业市场 ,全方位寻找出路 ,帮助毕业生到社会急需的领域和行业去。
The increasing enrollment of colleges has brought a contradiction between the personnel training and employment of graduates. There are two essential ways of dealing with this situation. On one hand, it is necessary to work hard on improving teaching quality to train qualified personnel in agreement with the needs of the society. On the other hand,actively opening up employment markets to explore possible ways of occupations across whole committy and help our graduates find jobs in different fields and trades which are badly in need of them.
Journal of Lanzhou Railway University