本文依据青藏高原的地理、气候特征对人体的影响 ,理性分析了青藏铁路对所需人才素质的特殊要求及我校所处地理位置和所拥有学科的优势特点 ,结合我校体育教学的实际 ,提出了我校体育教学主动培养青藏铁路建设“留得住 ,用得上”的适应性人才的建议与举措。
Based on the georaphic features of Qinzhang Plateau, climate influence in human body, the article reasonably analyses the special needs for those who'll work on of Qinhai-Tebet Railway line, the university's georapnical position and its academic superiority combined with the veality of our university's PE teaching. The article puts forward some suggestions and measures of how to train the adoptable talents who can play a role for Qinhai-Tebet railwy line.
Journal of Lanzhou Railway University