低电阻率油气层的电阻率低于或接近邻近水层的电阻率 ,使得在电性上难以区分油气层与水层 ,给测井评价带来很大难度。低电阻率油气层的成因非常复杂 ,成因类型多 ,而且不同油气田的低电阻率油气层成因存在差异 ,因此 ,系统了解低电阻率油气层的成因 ,对利用测井等资料评价低电阻率油气层是很有意义的 ,为此 ,结合国内外油气田低电阻率油气层 ,对成因作了细致的分类和论述 ,并结合国内外油气田如新疆塔北、白水头、吉林高台子、大庆长垣以西地区、新疆塔河油田三叠系、胜利、渤海、南阳、五里湾地区、大港油田板桥地区等油田的低阻油气层测井评价实例 ,综述低电阻率油气层测井评价思路。
It is very difficult to distinguish hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs from water-bearing reservoirs electrically because the resistivity of low resistivity hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs are usually lower than or close to that of the water-bearing reservoirs nearby the hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs.This is a difficult problem on the world, many logging analysts wish to resolve it, but have not settled it as yet. The causes of a reservoir with low resistivity are very complex and vary with oil and gas fields. The knowledge about the causes of low resistivity reservoirs is of great important to evaluate low resistivity hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs from well logging information. Based on a systematic review of hydrocarbon-bearing formations in various fields, this paper presented a classification of low resistivity hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs according to their causes.After an investigation of case studies of various oil fields, such as in the north area of Tarim Basin, Baishuitou, Gaotaizi of Jilin province, this paper presented a basic workflow for evaluation of low resistivity hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs using logging information.
Progress in Exploration Geophysics
low resistivity hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir
genesis of low resistivity
logging evaluation