3Raths, J.D. & Katz, L. G, Advances in Teacher Education (vol. 2) [M]. (eds.), Norwood, N. J., Ablex Publishing Co., 1986, p. 192, 194, 194, 192, 192.
4Bruke, P. J. & Heideman, R. G., Careerlong Teacher Education [M] (eds.), Springfield, IL., Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, p.163.
6I Details on invitation to make submissions on the draft Na- tionalProfessionalStandardsforTehers[EB/OL].http://www.mceecdya.edu.au/mceecdya/npst201 O-submission_details, 30534.html.2011-09-10.
7Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians.December 2008 [EB/OL]. http://www.achper. org.au/index.php.2011-10-8.
8Draft National Professional Standards for Teachers Consul- tation. [EB/OL]. http://www.mceecdya.edu.au/mceecdya/npst 2010-consuhation-call_for submissions, 30532.htmL2011- 10-10.
9John Pegg (Team Leader), Greg McPhan, Bruce Mowbray and Trevor Lynch..Final Report on the Validation of Draft National Professional Standards for Teachers .The Univer- sity of New England, November 2010 [EB/OL].http:// www.teacherstandards, aitsl.edu.au/. 2011 - 10-10.
10National Professional Standards for Teachers, February 2011 [ EB/OL ]. http://www.teacherstandards.aitsl.edu.au/. 2011-10-01.