为了了解公猪精液是否携带病毒,试验采用PCR/RT-PCR技术对采自江西省3个规模化猪场的111份公猪精液的猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)、伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)、猪圆环病毒2型(PCV-2)、猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)和猪丁型冠状病毒(PDCo V)进行了检测。结果表明:3个规模化猪场的公猪精液都有不同程度的带毒情况,A猪场和B猪场均检出了PRRSV、PRV和PCV-2三种病毒,C猪场检出了PRRSV和PCV-2两种病毒,所有猪场均未检出PEDV和PDCo V。在111份样品中,PCV-2的阳性率最高,为74.77%;其次是PRV,阳性率为15.32%;PRRSV的阳性率为9.91%;同时还发现存在PRRSV+PCV-2和PCV-2+PRV混合感染的情况,其混合感染率分别为9.01%和13.51%。说明公猪精液也能作为多种病毒,特别是影响猪只健康的重要病毒的传播媒介,从而给猪群的健康带来潜在威胁。
In order to address possible presence of some important viral agentsin boar semen,polymerase chain reaction( PCR),and/or reverse transcription-PCR( RT-PCR) technologies were used to detect the Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus( PRRSV),Pseudo rabies disease poison( PRV) and Porcine circovirus type 2( PCV-2),Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus( PEDV) and porcine deltacoronavirus( PDCo V) in 111 boar semen sampled from 3 large-scaled pig farms,referred to as farm A,B,and C,in Jiangxi Province. The results showed that PRRSV,PRV and PCV-2 were detectable in board semen from farm A and B,and PRRSV and PCV-2 farm C and none of the samples from all three farms was positive for PEDV and PDCo V. In all of the 111 semen samples,PCV-2 was the most detectable virus with a positive rate of 74.77%,and followed by PRV( 15.32%) and PRRSV( 9.91%),respectively. Additionally,9.01% and 13.51% co-infection rate of PRRSV with PCV-2 and PCV-2 with PRV were observed in these samples,respectively. The findings of this study indicated that the boar semen could be the reservoirs and dissemination medium for multiple important pathogenic porcine viruses,which might adversely affect the health of pig herds in Jiangxi,China.
Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine