计算机多媒体辅助教学是教学方式发展的必然趋势。针对火电厂多媒体教学 ,讨论了如何运用QTVR虚拟现实技术建立火电厂对象的全景图像和实景对象 ,并用Web浏览器通过Intranet/Internet网络对其进行浏览 ,使学习者置身于虚拟实景中 ,达到与现场教学相同的效果 。
It is an inexorable trend to use multimedia computer assisted instruction (CAI) for education. Being aimed at the multimedia education in the coarse of power plant, the utilization of a new virtual reality technology QTVR for instructing the said coarse has been discussed. Pa noramic image and scene can be established to regard the entire thermal power plant as a concrete object. And browsing the said image and scene with a web browser via intranet/internet, providing the learners with a virtual scene, obtaining perfect teaching effect as in the field. All these open a new way for remote learning about the coarse of power plant.
Thermal Power Generation