
湖南常德南坪汉代赵玄友等家族土墩墓群发掘简报 被引量:1

A Brief Report on the Excavation of the Family Earth-Mound Tombs of Zhao Xuanyou and Others of the Han Dynasty at Nanping of Changde in Hunan Province
摘要 常德市博物馆在常德南坪继清理西汉武陵郡孱陵县县丞、长沙国郎中令廖福家族等土墩墓群后,又在其南部抢救性清理发掘了两座西汉封堆,其中D8出土的龟纽青铜印章上'赵玄友印'铭文表明系赵氏家族土墩墓。其熟土台和墓葬的营建方式与廖福家族墓群如出一辙。出土了铜、铁、玉、滑石、陶、青瓷、漆木器等珍贵文物200余件(套)。通过对此地多个家族土墩墓群的发掘,彻底梳理了常德南坪家族土墩墓群的结构特征,在江浙、山东等地之外首次确认了一种从西汉中期至新莽时期的竖穴土墩墓的特殊墓葬形式,为秦汉土墩墓的研究提供了一批崭新材料。 After clearing up the earth mound tombs of such family burial grounds as those of the Chanling County magistrate of Wuling Prefecture and of Minister Liao Fu of Changsha Kingdom of the Western Han dynasty at Nanping of Changde,Changde Municipal Museum again excavated two Western Han sealing mounds in the remedial clearing up of a site south of Changde City.The bronze seal with a turtle-shaped knot and the legend of"Seal of Zhao Xuanyou"unearthed from D8 indicates that this is the earth-mound burial ground of the Zhao family.The mellow soil terrace and the construction method of the tombs are exactly the same as those of Liao Fu’s family burial ground.Over 200 precious bronze,iron,jade,talc,pottery,celadon and wooden lacquer cultural relics were unearthed from the tombs.The excavation of several family earth-mound tombs in this place has completely solved the issue of the structural characteristics of family earth-mound tombs at Nanping of Changde,established for the first time the unique tomb structure of vertical pit earth mound tombs from mid-Western Han to the Wang Mang Era of the Han dynasty in places other than Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Shandong,and provided irreplaceable new materials to the study of Qin and Han earth-mound tombs at home and abroad.
作者 龙朝彬 文智 徐小林 潘志勇 刘颜春 胡重 Long Chaobin(Changde Municipal Museum)
机构地区 常德市博物馆
出处 《湖南省博物馆馆刊》 2013年第1期96-110,8-11,共16页 Hunan Provincial Museum
关键词 常德 南坪 赵玄友 西汉晚期 家族土墩墓 Changde Nanping Zhao Xuanyou Late Western Han period family earthmound tombs
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