
数字网络媒介环境下的西方话语霸权 被引量:8

Discourse Hegemony of the Western World under the Environment of Digital Network Media
摘要 数字网络媒介时代("第二媒介时代")的到来,它的"双向的、去中心化的交流"方式在一定程度上改变了第一媒介时代由社会文化精英和上层知识分子主导的话语权力。特别是近年来所发生的"网纸替代"更是一场全方位的文化传播方式的大变革,它的平民性、普泛化、低门槛极大地改变了人们的生活方式,显然也改变了社会文化的生产方式和文化传播方式。然而,任何科学技术的产生与发展都无法摆脱社会生活在强制性再生产中所形成的社会利益的局限与控制,媒介的权力终究难以摆脱资本权力的控制。在当今世界的权力场域中,以美国为首的西方世界仍然拥有强大的话语权力,即西方话语霸权。我们必须坚持正确的舆论导向,努力提高道路自信、制度自信、理论自信和文化自信;加快经济发展,努力提高自身的话语权力;推进科学技术的创新和发展,不断提高自身的话语能力。只有这样,才能深刻揭露、批判和抵制西方垄断资本的话语霸权,为我们的和平崛起和更大发展提供有利的发展环境。 The coming of the times of digital network media and its bidirectional and decentralized communicative mode changes the discourse power to some extent,which has been led by the social and cultural elite and the top intellectual elite in the times of first media.Especially,the'net paper replace’,which was happened in recent years,is an all-around revolution of the way of culture spreading,which changes the way of lifestyle largely with its civilian,generalization and low threshold.However,the production and development of the science and technology cannot get rid of the limit and control of the social benefit,which is formed in the forced reproduction of the social life.At present,the media power cannot get rid of the control of the capital power in the end.In the field of power in the world,the western world,which is led by America,still possesses powerful discourse power.We have to maintain the correct orientation for public opinion,and strive to improve the confidence in political system,theory and cultural;accelerate economic development and strive to improve our own words right;propel the development of the innovation and greater development of the science and technology to improve our power of discourse continually.Only in this way,can we profoundly disclose,criticize and resist the discourse hegemony of the western monopoly capital,and provide favorable environment for our peaceful rise and greater development.
作者 王华生 WANG Hua-sheng(Journal Editorial Board of Henan University,Kaifeng475001,Henan,China)
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期137-143,共7页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"媒介形态嬗变与出版方式创新"(15YJA860015)阶段性成果
关键词 网络媒介 西方世界 话语霸权 network medium Western world discourse hegemony
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