
年龄与二语习得 被引量:2

Age and Secong Language Acquisition
摘要 年龄是影响第二语言习得效果个体差异的重要因素之一。许多心理学家、应用语言学家和教育家十分关注年龄对二语习得的影响,他们用大量的时间从不同的角度,选择不同的对象研究年龄和第二语言习得的关系,但研究的结果并不一致,甚至产生了一些相互矛盾的结论。如有人认为二语学习应从儿童开始,因为儿童比成人习得效果要好;也有人认为成人理解能力强,故更有利于二语学习;还有一些人认为,无论何时开始学第二语言没有关系,只要努力学习,都能同样成功地掌握第二语言。 Age is one of the important factors affecting second language acquisition for individuals.Many psychologists,applied linguists and educators are concerned about the effect of age to second language acquisition,they use a lot of time,study from different angles with different objects but research shows that their results are not consistent,and even produced some conflicting conclusions.Some people think that second language learning should begin with children because the effect is better,while others believe that adults are better at understanding,so it is good for adults to acquire second language than children.Still others think that regardless of when to start learning a second language,only if one is hard working can he successfully acquire second language.
作者 秦梅
出处 《湖南民族职业学院学报》 2010年第2期92-94,共3页 Hunan Vocational College for Nationalities
关键词 年龄 二语习得 关系 Age Second Language Acquisition Relationship
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