

On The Power of Gaze——Different Subject Construction in Paradise
摘要 《乐园》是美国黑人女作家托尼·莫里森获得诺贝尔文学奖之后的一部杰作。本文从拉康的凝视理论出发,来探讨《乐园》中不同群体的主体建构。通过分析不同群体对他者在自我身份建构中的不同态度,强调指出他者的凝视在身份完形中所起的不可或缺的作用。 Paradise is a remarkable work written by Toni Morrison after she got the Nobel Prize in Literature This paper discusses subject construction of different groups of people based on Lacan’s research on gaze, and emphasizs the crucial role of the gaze of "other" in identity information by analyzing different people’s attitudes towards "other" in constructing identity.
作者 吴白兰
出处 《湖南民族职业学院学报》 2013年第A01期63-67,共5页 Hunan Vocational College for Nationalities
关键词 《乐园》 凝视 主体 他者 自我 Paradise Gaze Subject Other Self
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  • 1陈法春.《乐园》对美国主流社会种族主义的讽刺性模仿[J].国外文学,2004(3):76-81. 被引量:9
  • 2Lacan,Jacques.What is a Picture?[].The Visual Culture Reader.2002
  • 3Morrison T.Paradise,1998.
  • 4Jacques Lacan,trans.Alan Sheridan.The Seminar of Jacques Lacan,book XI:The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-analysis[]..
  • 5Jacques Lacan."The Mirror Stage As Formative."[].The NortonAnthology of Theory and Criticism.2001
  • 6Jacques Lacan."What is a Picture?"[].The Visual Culture Reader.2002


  • 1Linda Hutcheon, A Poetics of Postmodernism : History, Theory,Fiction ( New York and London: Routledge, 1988), p. 26.
  • 2Henry Louis Gates, Jr., "The Blackness of Blackness: A Critique of the Sign and the Signifying Monkey", in Black Literature and Literary Theory, Gates ed. ( New York and London: Routledge,1984) ,pp.285 - 321.
  • 3根据Francis J.Bremer的研究,清教徒认为,"只要人们祈祷地正确……并且祈求能使耶稣的意愿得以推广……上帝就会被祈祷所感动."参见Francis J.Bremer,Puritan Crisis: New England aad the English Civil Wars, 1630 - 1670 ( New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1989 ), p. 40.
  • 4莫里森对《乐园》的解释出现在几个内容相同的访谈里,见 James Marcus, "This Side of Paradise", Interview with Toni Morrison, http://www. amazon. com/exec/obidos/tg/feature/-/7651/002-5902217-20056; Anna Mulrine, "This Side of ‘Paradise ' ", U . S . News & World Report, Washington, Jan. 19,1998;以及 Carolyn Denard, "Blacks, Modernism, and the American South: An Interview with Toni Morrison" , in Studies in the Literary Imagination ,Atlanta,Fall 1998,Vol. 1 ,Issue 2,pp. 1 - 16.
  • 5Ron David, Toni Morrison Explained:A Reader' s Map to the Novels ( New York: Random House, 2000), p. 171.
  • 6Linden Peach, Toni Morrison(Macmillan Press,2000) ,p. 157.
  • 7Ron Charles, "Toni Morrison's Feminist Portrayal of Racism",http://www. csmonitor. com/durable/1998/01/29/feat/books. 1.html(Jan .29,1998)
  • 8Zia Jaffrey, "The Salon Interview", Salon, Feb. 2, 1998, http://www. luminarium. org/contemporary/tonimorrison/paradise. htm.
  • 9Peter Widdowson, "The American Dream Refashioned: History,Politics and Gender in Toni Morrison's Paradise", in Journal of American Studies ,Vol.35(2) ,August 2001 ,p.318.
  • 10本文所引用《乐园》的原文均根据Alfred A.Knopf出版社1998年版Paradise自行翻译,本句出自第14页.下文所标页码均指这一版本.









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