通过盆栽试验模拟了砷(As)、铅(Pb)、锌(Zn)复合污染环境,并研究了复合污染环境下不同As浓度对苎麻生长及其重金属在植株体内吸收、富集和迁移的影响。结果表明,在复合污染情况下,低浓度(≤100 mg/kg)的As对苎麻生长没有显著影响,而高浓度的As可使苎麻植株变矮、叶片易损、分蘖数及生物量减少,但仍能完成正常生理周期并且无严重毒害症状出现。由此表明,苎麻对As/Pb/Zn复合污染土壤具有一定的耐受性。且在试验条件下,苎麻植株对As、Pb、Zn的转运系数分别在0.11~2.43、0.11~1.03和0.59~1.66之间,苎麻地上部对As、Pb、Zn的富集系数分别在0.01~0.45、0.01~0.12和0.17~1.48之间,表明苎麻可作为As、Pb、Zn单一或复合污染土壤修复的植物。
Apot experim ent w as done to observe the grow th responses, accum ulation and transfer characteristics of ram ie ( Boehm eria nivea) in different concentrations of As/Pb/Zn. R esults show ed that the ram ie have tolerance under a certain concentration of As/Pb/Z n com bined treatm ent, and in low concentrations the ram ie to grow th norm ally, w hile had significant inhibitory effect under high As concentrations, w ith the shorter plant height, thinning stem diam eter and decreasing biom ass. But still com plete the norm al grow th cycle and no serious toxic sym ptom s.Itis show ed that,ram ie on As /Pb /Z n com posite contam inated soilhas a certain tolerance.B ioaccum ulation factor of As, Pb and Zn of ram ie shootw as at0.01 ~0.45, 0.01 ~0.12 and 0.17~1.48 under the com bined treatm ent.T ransfer coefficients of As, Pb, Zn were 0.11~2.43, 0.11~1.03 and 0.59~1.66.R am ie has good capacity of absorption, accum ulation and transfer under As/Pb/Z n com bined pollution.C om pared to the sm allbiom ass plants, ram ie is the idealplantto repaircom posite pollution ofheavy m etals As/Pb/Z n.
Hunan Agricultural Sciences