目的 :探讨新装机数字化X线摄影(DR)设备图像初始质量控制方法以期获取满意图像质量。方法 :选取胸部正位、颈椎正位、腰椎正位、腹部正位、骨盆正位、足正位6个常用部位采用合适摄片条件照片,获取的图像分别用厂方默认图像处理参数组(Factory)、自定义图像处理参数一组(C1)、自定义图像处理参数二组(C2)处理,将得到的同一部位的三幅图像传到医学影像存档与通讯系统(PACS)中,最后用激光相机打印出胶片由医师及技师组成的评价小组分别对每个部位的三幅图像进行盲评,统计每个部位中得票数最高的照片,将该照片的图像处理参数组合作为今后技师处理该部位图像的默认处理参数。结果 :选定的胸部正位片、颈椎正位片、腰椎正位片、腹部正位片、骨盆正位片、足正位片的图像处理参数分别采用的是相对应三组处理参数组合中的C1组、C1组、C2组、Factory组、C1组、C2组。结论 :选择合适的DR设备图像处理参数可获得适合我院技师操作的DR设备图像初始质量控制方法。
Objective Obtain high qualified picture through analyzing the quality control method of the initial image of a new digital radiography machine.Methods Choose the six common-used part of ody,anteroposterior chest,cervical anteroposterior,lumbar spine,anteroposterior abdominal,anteroposterior pelvis and foot anteroposterior,and graphed them in appropriate condition with the machine.Then send the pictures deal apart by initial-set image parameters(Factory),user-difined image parameters 1(C1) as well as user-defined image parameters 2(C2) to the PACS.A group consist of physicians and mechanics will assess the three picture films of each part blindly,which are printed by the laser camera.The highest votes of the three in each part will be the default parameters afterwards.Results It turns out that the best parameters for the selected of anteroposterior chest,cervical ant-eroposterior,lumbar spine,anteroposterior abdominal,anteroposterior pelvis and foot anteropos--terior is the C1,the C1,the C2,the Factory,the C1 and the C2.Conclusion Choosing the right image parameters for DR machine can help the mechanics to get the quality control method of the initial image of a new digital radiography machine.
Journal of Hunan Normal University(Medical Sciences)