
湖南省结核病防治核心知识知晓率调查分析 被引量:12

The awareness survey on key tuberculosis messages in Hunan Province
摘要 目的:了解湖南省公众结核病防治知识知晓率,指导今后开展结核病防治健康教育和健康促进工作。方法:采用多阶段分层整群等比例随机抽样方法,在全省共抽取6个调查点,使用《全国结核病防治规划(2010-2015)》知晓率调查问卷对调查点15岁及以上居民进行面对面询问式调查调查。采用epidaTa双录入建立数据库,用SpSS13.0软件进行统计分析,用χ~2检验进行率的统计学检验,为差异有统计学意义。结果:调查问卷回收1236人份,肺结核的传播途径、肺结核症状、诊疗机构、优惠政策和预后情况等的知晓率分别为81.1%(1003/1236)、86.7%(1072/1236)、93.2%(1152/1236)、55.6%(687/1236)和65.0%(804/1236),其中优惠政策方面知识知晓率最低。结论:湖南省公众结核病防治知识知晓率仍比较低,应加强对公众的结核病防治知识的健康教育和健康促进工作。 Objective To learn and evaluate the awareness level of Tuberculosis(TB) knowledge to guide future health pro-motion and health education on Tuberculosis control in Hunan Province.Methods The multi-stage stratified clustered equal ratio random sampling method was applied in selected 6 survey sites in Hunan Province. All 1236 subjects who are 15 years old and above at the survey sites were interviewed face-to-face with the same questionnaire designed by the expert group of the National Awareness Survey(There are 5questions in the questionnaire corresponding to the 5key tuberculosis messages). Results The awareness rate of transmission routes of pulmonary tuberculosis is 81.1%(1003/1236); the rate of symptom of TB, coughing with sputum for more than 2 weeks is highly suspicious of TB, is 86.7%(1072/1236); the rate of key message, TB sus-pects should go to the county TB dispensary for exa mination and treatment, is 93.2%(1152/1236); the rate of the key message, TB exa mination and treatment at county TB dispensary is free of charge, is 30.7%55.6%(687/1236); and the rate of the key message, most pulmonary TB patients will be cured with standard treatment, is 65.0%(804/1236). Out of the 5key messages, the awareness of the message of free charge service is the lowest. Conclusion The awareness of key TB messages need to be further analyzed at all levels to plan and implement localized TB control health promotion and health education activities in the future.
作者 肖涛 白丽琼
出处 《湖南师范大学学报(医学版)》 2016年第2期135-139,共5页 Journal of Hunan Normal University(Medical Sciences)
关键词 结核病 健康促进 健康教育 问卷调查 Tuberculosis Health education Health promotion Questionnaires
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