
男性不育症患者精子形态结果分析 被引量:6

Analysis of sperm morphology of male infertile sperm
摘要 目的:对男性不育症患者异常精子形态结果进行统计分析,为临床提供诊断和治疗依据。方法:以2014年5月~2015年5月来我院生殖中心就诊的2180例患者为研究对象,采用改良巴氏染色法用西班牙SCA全自动精子质量分析系统进行精液常规分析和精子形态分析。根据精液分析的相关指标将对象按精子数量和精子活力两两分组即:少精子症组、精子正常数量组;弱精子症组、精子正常活力组;对各组结果进行统计学分析。结果:少精子症组和弱精症组中畸形精子的阳性率明显高于精子正常数量组和精子正常活力组。精子形态的畸形结构分类中,以头部异常为主,其次是颈部和尾部。颈部异常率,尾部异常率两组比较无统计学差异。少精子症组、弱精子症组与精子正常数量组、精子正常活力组的精子正常形态的百分率与其它组比较,有统计学意义。在精子头部尺寸分类中,以小头精子异常为主。头部形态分类中,以无定形头异常为主,其次是圆头异常。顶体区分类中,以空泡异常为主。少精子症组、弱精子症组与其它组比较;头部尺寸、顶体区有统计学意义,头部形态无统计学意义。结论:在不育症患者异常精子形态畸形结构分类中,精子形态异常以头部为主。精子头部尺寸异常分类中,以小头精子异常为主。头部形态异常分类中,以无定形头异常为主,其次是圆头异常。顶体区异常分类中,以空泡异常为主。少精子症、弱精子症患者子精子形态畸形率会明显升高。 Objective Investigate the abnormal morphology results of male infertile sperm by statistical analyzing.Methods Selected the research samples deriving from 2180 male patients in our hospital from May,2014 to May 2015.We used improved Papanicolaou Staining Method under the Spanish SCA automatic Sperm quality analyzing system for analyze of seminal fluid and sperm morphology.Devide samples into two cavities according to different sperm analyzing norms in which they all include a normal one.The groups are as below:oligospermia normal sperm count,asthenospermia and normal sperm vitality.Used statistical method for analyzing the results.Results Teratozoospermia of oligospermia group had been detected whose rate was up to 72.6%.Teratozoospermia of normal sperm count group had been detected whose rate was up to 30.5%.Teratozoospermia of asthenospermia group had been detected whose rate was up to 45.6%.Teratozoospermia of normal sperm vitality group had been detected whoses rate was up to 28.6%.Both the groups of oligospermia and asthenospermia had a apparently higher rate than normal sperm count group and normal sperm vitality group,There was a significant difference in statistical analysis.Within the different types of teratospermia,the aberrant appearance limited to the head of sperm is principal and then came in the neck and tail.Double comparison of the main aberrant rate of head,neck and tail showed no difference in statistic.However,the comparisonof the rate of normal sperm morphology between oligospermia and asthenospermia with normal showed difference in statisti.Small head sperm abnormalities concentrated most within the types of size of sperm head.Amorphous head abnormal concentrated most within the types of head morphology and round head abnormal came second.Cavitation abnormal concentrated most within the types of acrosome zone.The comparison within head size and acrosome zone between oligospermia and asthenospermia with normal showed difference in statistic while head morphology showed no difference in statistic.Conclusion Among all types of sperm morphological structural deformity from infertile male,abnormity with head was principal.Amon g all types of sperm head size,Small head sperm abnormalities was principal.Among all types of head morphology,amorphous head abnormal concentrated most and round head abnormal came second.Among all types of acrosome zone,cavitation abnormal concentrated most.The rate of morphological structural deformity in patients with oligospermia and asthenospermia could rose apparently.
作者 钟勇 杨钟
出处 《湖南师范大学学报(医学版)》 2017年第2期82-85,共4页 Journal of Hunan Normal University(Medical Sciences)
关键词 不育症 精子畸形 精子形态 sterility sperm deformity sperm morphology
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