1998 年大国之间的政治关系有两个显著特点。一是在多极化进程推动以及盟国之间新关系已确立的条件下,非盟国之间的大国关系进行了广泛的调整,新格局网络结构更趋完善。二是中、美、俄、日、欧五大力量在处理世界政治和国际安全重大事件中,彼此频繁协调各自的立场。
The article tried to make cleartwo major features observed in the politicalrelations among great powersin 1998 .(1) Abroad adjustmentof the non_aligned relationships was started between China and U.S., China and Europe , China andJapan , Russia and U.S., Russia and Europe ,and Russia and Japan ,a new network structure tends tobe more perfect.(2) In handling importantinternationalsecurity affairs,the “big five”were coordi nating their attitudes when their views came together,or making compromise through struggles whendifferences appeared .
Peace and Development