1998 年11 月江主席访俄,加深了中俄两国的战略协作,使两国关系呈现出新的局面。中俄战略协作伙伴关系潜力很大,前景广阔, 两国的合作具有广泛性和持久性,并将促进世界大国关系的良性互动,有利于地区和世界的和平与安全。
Two years have passed since China andRussia established partnership of strategic cooperation in 1996 . Gu○s article ,,is focussing on the essence ofthe partnership and on what could be done for further developing the relations. The author holdsthat enormous potentialities could be generated from the current Sino_Russian partnership . One ,long_term cooperation in the process of world multipolariazation .Two ,consistentcoordinationin promotingAsia_Pacific security and stability . Three ,the potentiality in econo mic cooperation will be enormous.Four, many opportunities will be seen in Sino_Russian non_governmental contacts. Five,this form ofpartnership has become the most successful model for great_power relations.
Peace and Development