1998 年,俄美关系基本上处于停滞状态,甚至有所倒退。一是固有矛盾没有解决,有些矛盾还在加剧;二是俄政坛中左派势力上升,美加强了对俄的防范,俄美关系进一步疏远。今后一段时间里,俄美关系将不会发生根本性变化。
The article ,actually a detailed outline of the last year○s Russo_American relations,issound and convining with its profound analysis. Ni,a Senior Researcher of the Institute for East Euro pean and Central Asian Studies, CASSand Guest Researcher of CPDS,reviewed the Russo_American relationsin following aspects:First,asthe author says,the relations ofthe two powers was basically ata stagnantstatus and even set back a little over the last year. The major differences between the two powers were mainly shown in the NATOeastward enlargement,the struggle over the CIS,and the in terest conflictin affairs of Kosovo ,Iraq and Iran .Especially fierce rivalry was seen in the Caspian Seaarea where the United States launched a project of “Euro_Asian Transportation Channel”in order toreduce the control over oiltransportation line by Russia and Iran . The United States paid little atten tion to Russia○s “great power status”. Given the disastrous financial and economic crisis happening inRussia since lastspring ,the United States was willing to lend a hand to rescue Russia fro m the crisis.However,the United States has adjusted its policy to a prudentonelater on because of Russia○s politicalunrest.
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