Once an experienced chiefcorre spondent of Xinhua News Agency in Yugoslavia and familiar with Yugoslavian people and language,the au thorrevealed NATO○s aggression with asharp tone and a hostof detailed facts.Havinglisted NATO○s atroci tiesin savage bombings,the author raised a question : why should the U.S.determine to wage such a dirtywar? The answeris as follows:Firstly,it wasrelevantto the U.S.strategic consideration ofthe post—ColdWar world .The United States has been believingthat now isthe besttimeto create “Pax Americana”.Sec ondly ,it was relevantto the vital politicalinterestshared by both the U.S.andits major alliesin the post—Cold War Balkans.Thirdly , Yugoslavia has been pursuing anindependent and self—determined foreign poli cy which became an obstacle on theroad of NATO○s eastward expansion .Fourthly ,the U.S.needed a prov ing ground for testing its new weapons.Fifthly, U.S.domestic politicalfactorsforced Bill Clinton tolaunchthe war.
Peace and Development