科索沃战争不一定意味着美国的胜利,主要体现在以下几个方面:(1) 美国推行的霸权主义政策与当代世界的基本构造相矛盾;(2)美国的霸权主义战略正受到来自各方面的强烈抵抗;(3)美国的公众心理正在发生微妙的变化;(4)北约东扩前途未卜;(5)俄罗斯对美及北约的态度将趋于强硬。
The main points of view ofthe article are asfollows:(1) Thereexists a structuralcontradiction between the U.S.hegemonist policy and the basic structure ofthe contempo rary world.(2) U.S.hegemoniststrategy is being resisted in an increasingly intensified way in variousfieldsof international relations. (3) the public feeling is experiencing a transforming process from arrogancethrough cooling_down to perplexity.(4) The prospect of NATO○s eastward enlargement will not necessarilybe good .(5) Retreating to nowhere , Russia would take a hard attitude toward the U.S.and NATO.(6)The turbulent world could offer both risks and opportunities.
Peace and Development