自1975 年印尼派兵占领东帝汶以来,东帝汶两派之间的武装斗争从未间断,东帝汶问题也一直受到联合国的关注。1998 年哈比比继任印尼总统后,提出解决东帝汶问题的一揽子方案。但一旦东帝汶独立,又将面临许多新的问题。
The article indicates a broader scope of his sub jects.Starting from a narration of East Timor○s natural features and history of colonization , Zhao○s articleturnsto the issue of Indonesian sovereign claim over East Timor. Time has changed ,so did the Indonesian government,and president Habibie of Indonesia made final compromise with East Timorese. Also changedwas Australia stand toward East Timor while the Australian government advocating to give chance to EastTimorese so thatthey could decide their own future .But Zhao predictsthatthe referendum might negativelyaffectIndonesia○s politics.
Peace and Development