in Central Asian Studies, made a clearand realistic analysis on how the positions of the big powers and the influence they exert could affect thewhole of Central Asia .The big powers,namely ,Russia ,the United Statesand China,are analizedseparate ly inthis article.Russia○s,asthe article says,isan important neighbor and partnerofthe Central Asian statesand also servesas a vitalguarantee forthe stabilityin this area .Russia○sroleis weakened ,butitsleading po sition in the areaisirreplaceable.The United Satesis a majorsupporting force forthe Central Asian Statesinreducing peripheralthreats and developing economy .Its position and role areincreasingly enhancing .Chinaisa vital near neighbor and is playing an important role in regional security and in the process of CentralAsia○s merging into Asian society .Zhang saysthatseveral majorfactors mightaffectthe political orientationof the Central Asian states.These include the internal political changes,the integration of these states,thepolicy to be adopted by Russia and the development of the relations between China and Russia .The issue encloses a list of academic activities forthe first half ofthis year.
Peace and Development