There aretwo articlesin “East Europe_Central Asia”column. .Hisarticle,, makes deep analysis on a well_known personage whose rise and fall andcoming back indicates the unpredictable changesin Russia○s political circle. The author holdsthat Russiais now at a cross road and the Yeltsin○s era seems to come to an end. History will choose Primakov tosave Russiafrom theincreasingly deepening crisis.Primakov,asthe authorsays,islabeled as“thesymbolofrecoveringthedignity ofpower”,and hiscoming backto polit icalarenareflectsthe willof Russian citizenstotake a middle road.The author predictsthe fu ture posture ofthe Primakov_ledleague of“Motherland_All Russia”and regardsitasan organization with a potentiality of possessing huge number of voters. But he also points out that theleague willprobably facesome difficultiesand challenges.
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