
"Sub-axis" : the Changing Japanese Role in the U.S. Asia-Pacific Security Layout

"Sub-axis" : the Changing Japanese Role in the U.S. Asia-Pacific Security Layout
摘要 In recent years, in order to effectively respond to the rapid rise of China, the Obama Administration has energetically implemented the "Asia-Pacific rebalancing" strategy, and actively encouraged Japan to play a bigger role in the Asia-Pacific geo-security affairs. Under promotion of the Obama Administration and the active operation by several Japanese administrations, over the years the Asia-Pacific security pattern with the United States as the "single axis" shows a more obvious change, i.e. gradually evolving to a pattern with "the United States playing core role and Japan secondary role". Firstly, through continuously strengthening the Japan-U.S. alliance, and using the opportunity to promote development of its military strength, Japan constantly strengthens its "Strategic Autonomy" in the alliance. Secondly, through strengthening bilateral or trilateral security interactions with the United States and other Asia-Pacific allies, making "the U.S. and Japan +1" an important mechanism and platform for the United States and its Asia- Pacific allies to carry out security cooperation. Finally, Japan also takes the initiative to launch strategic security cooperation in various forms with the U.S. "strategic partners", such as India, Indonesia, Vietnam and others in the Asia-Pacific region. These measures not only upgrade Japan's function and status in the alliance, but also steadily elevate the level of strategic cooperation with a series of important countries in Asia-Pacific and has further played an increasingly important connecting, supplementing and coordinating role in the Asia Pacific traditional "hub-spoke security structure", so its influence in regional security system also grows increasingly, thus, suddenly having become the "sub-axis", next to the United States, in the Asia-Pacific geosecurity pattern. In recent years, in order to effectively respond to the rapid rise of China, the Obama Administration has energetically implemented the 'Asia-Pacific rebalancing' strategy, and actively encouraged Japan to play a bigger role in the Asia-Pacific geo-security affairs. Under promotion of the Obama Administration and the active operation by several Japanese administrations, over the years the Asia-Pacific security pattern with the United States as the 'single axis' shows a more obvious change, i.e. gradually evolving to a pattern with 'the United States playing core role and Japan secondary role'. Firstly, through continuously strengthening the Japan-U.S. alliance, and using the opportunity to promote development of its military strength, Japan constantly strengthens its 'Strategic Autonomy' in the alliance. Secondly, through strengthening bilateral or trilateral security interactions with the United States and other Asia-Pacific allies, making 'the U.S. and Japan +1' an important mechanism and platform for the United States and its Asia- Pacific allies to carry out security cooperation. Finally, Japan also takes the initiative to launch strategic security cooperation in various forms with the U.S. 'strategic partners', such as India, Indonesia, Vietnam and others in the Asia-Pacific region. These measures not only upgrade Japan's function and status in the alliance, but also steadily elevate the level of strategic cooperation with a series of important countries in Asia-Pacific and has further played an increasingly important connecting, supplementing and coordinating role in the Asia Pacific traditional 'hub-spoke security structure', so its influence in regional security system also grows increasingly, thus, suddenly having become the 'sub-axis', next to the United States, in the Asia-Pacific geosecurity pattern.
作者 Xin Qiang
机构地区 Fudan University
出处 《Peace》 2014年第3期54-64,共11页 和平
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