高职高专实行学分制教学管理模式有利于培养一批既具有理论知识又有操作技能的应用型人才 ,以适应时代、社会、市场对人才的需求 ,但学分制也存在不足之处 ,在具体的操作过程中还必须注意一些事项 ,针对以上情况 ,提出几点思考。
To carry out teaching management pattern of credit system in higher vocational education will help to train and bring up a large number of practical talents with both theoretical knowledge and operational skills, so as to meet the demands of times, the society and markets. However, deficiency also exists in credit system. the society and markets. However,deficiency also exists in credit system. In detailed operation processes,some items should not be ignored. In view of the facts mentioned above, this article puts forward several points for discussion.
Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University