邓小平反教条主义思想是在我们党进行拨乱反正和改革开放的历史进程中形成的。它既蕴涵了极其丰富的时代内容 ,又体现出鲜明的理论特色。学习、研究邓小平关于反对教条主义的系列论述 ,对于进一步增强贯彻执行党的思想路线的自觉性和坚定性 。
Deng Xiao ping's thoughts of anti doctrinairism took shape in the historical procedure when our party cleared up what was confused and put things to rights and when we plung in the great reform. The thoughts deal with all the modern issues with a distinct theoretical character. Studying DengXiao ping's serial exposition on anti doctrinairism is of great importance in enhancing the consciousness and the firmness in implementing our party's ideological lines.
Journal of Loudi Teachers College