“四三三三”工程是在我校“四三”工程的基础上进行的 ,是“四三”工程的深化与拓展 ,它是我校育人工作的系统工程。包括“四育人”、“三联系”、“三自”活动、“三长制”。四育人指教育育人、管理有人、服务育人、环境育人。三联系指校领导联系一个系 ,中层领导联系一个班 ,一般干部联系一个寝室。深入学生 ,加强学生教育与管理 ,使学生教育与管理形成齐抓共管局面。三自活动指学生自我教育、自我管理、自我服务活动。三长制指文建部长、班长、寝室长负责制。文建部长对校 (系 )文明建设负责 ,班长对本班的文明、卫生、纪律负责 ,寝室长对寝室的文明、卫生、纪律负责。
The 'Four three three three' project (Four ways Cultivation,Three ways of Contacting Students,Three Activities Fulfilled by students themselues,Three student leader Responsibility System) is a systematic project based on 'four three' project,which is the deepening and extending of the 'four three'project.Four ways of cultivation refer to cultivate students by educating,administrating,offering service and creating favorable environment.Three ways of contacting stadents mean the fact that college leaders contact one department,middle leaders contact one class,orainary leaders contact a dormitory;Three activities fulfilled by students themselves refer to self education;self management and self service;Three student leader responsibility system means a student minister,a class monitor and head of a dormitory are in change of the construction of campus spirit.
Journal of Loudi Teachers College