在前人研究留学生学习汉语当中所出现的词语偏误的基础上 ,对母语是英语的留学生的词语偏误进行了分析和归纳 ,总结出几条偏误的规律 ,并对偏误的发生原因进行了分析。在此基础上 ,提出了一些降低偏误率 ,提高教学效率的意见。
On the basis of the predecessors' research of the vocabulary errors occuring in the foreign students' learning Chinese language, this paper summarizes and analyzes the vocabulary errors committed by the foreign students whose native language is English, deduces the law of committing errors, analyzes the reasons for the errors. On the basis mentioned above, this paper presents some suggestions on how to reduce the rate of commiting errors and enhance the teaching efficiency.
Journal of Loudi Teachers College