

Focus of reform
摘要 "僵尸企业"出清——攻坚克难、动真碰硬今年1月,国资委在经济工作会议后召开的中央企业、地方国资委负责人会议中提到:国企改革是供给侧改革中最需要攻坚的部分,其中,清理僵尸企业、促进市场出清更是难中之难。"僵尸企业"在此时成为了改革的一个重要部分,有专家认为:当前中国经济活力下降,一个重要原因是企业缺乏创新能力,生产的产品不符合市场需求。一个表征就是僵尸企业的数量在不断增加。什么样的企业可以被称为僵尸企业?林毅夫教授曾经这样定义:缺乏自生能力的企业就是僵尸企业。通俗理解,就是失去了盈利能力、不能够自我维持的企业。 Zombie enterprise clearing—Overcome difficulty and crack hardnuts in january this year, the state-owned assets supervision and administration(sasac) pointed out at the meeting of principals of the central enterprises and local stated-owned assets supervision and administrations after the economic working meeting that the state-owned enterprise reform is a crucial part in the supply-side reform, where, clearing zombie enterprises and promoting market clearing both are ones of major difficulties. The "zombie enterprise" has become one part of the reform at this time. According to experts’ opinions, the current Chinese economic vitality is decreasing for one reason that the enterprise lacks innovation capacity so that their products are not up to the market requirements. it indicates the enterprises are increasing continuously in number as one of its features. Easy entry but hard quit—Explore the path in this round of capacity reduction in four industries in just one month after the central leading group on Financial and economic affairs put forth the "supply-side structural reform", the central economy Working conference was held in the end of december 2015. the "five key tasks", namely, reductions of capacity, inventory, lever and cost as well as bucket effect avoiding, were proposed concretely in the key work arrangement of this new year at this meeting, where, capacity reduction is one focus as the first of the five major tasks in the reform. Slowing down—capacity reduction, but not accomplishing it in an action IIt was also proposed following the five-task capacity reduction at the Central Economic Working Conference, that "the capitalmarket should operate with corporate merger and reorganization; it is best in more merger and less reorganization as well less bankrupcy liquidation; and the laid-off should be well arranged at the same time". as a result, a consensus has been reached possibly by top government officials in positively resolving this round of overcapacity, and the major measures taken are merger and reorganization.Risk exposure—Heavy responsibility in reducing leverage ratio It concerns the foreground of China’s economy transformation and upgrading to complete the formidable task of supply-side structural reform. How to keep away the risks existing in the supply-side? the experts from academic circles, supervision departments and overseas offered advice and suggestions one after another in 2016 Financial street Forum held in beijing. The issue—reducing leverage ratio became one of topics for discussion on prevention and control of risks.Optimizing allocation of labor force—Ushering in a golden age of the service industry besides increasing labor supply and promoting labor trans-regional and –department circulation, improving the labor quality is one of important reform contents in labor elements. Moreover, helping poor people out of poverty, strengthening education input and promoting poverty alleviation and emphasis on education, all are also the keys to upgrade human capital.Reducing four costs—Optimizing the allocation of land and capital land, as one of basic resources in economic activities, is an essential element in the supply-side reform. according to Mr. Han changfu who is the Minister of china Ministry of agriculture, current key work points are to "build up three modern agricultural systems of industry, production and operation in driving agricultural supply-side reform, and deepen the reformation of rural land system of rural collective property rights system".
出处 《环球市场信息导报》 2016年第19期11-15,95-96,共7页 Global Market Information Guide
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