本文认为 :地方院校若继续延续原有办学模式是行不通的 ,必须果断拼弃不切实际的办学目标定位 ,面对当前的紧迫形势 ,抓住机遇 ,寻找新的生存和发展空间。主张地方院校努力发展社会服务职能 ,将地方大学办成应用型的、多样化的大学 ,以满足社会对多样化人才的需求 。
The author believes it is impossible to continue the traditional educated principle for running the school. In order to seach for the new space of existence and development, the local colleges should give up the primary goal of education and seize the current opportunity in facing up the serious situation. The paper stands for improving the college function of social service, and making the local colleges as a diversified and pratical university. so as to meet the manifold needs of the society,meanwhile, get the aim of expanding the space to exist and develop.