随着市场经济和IT技术的发展 ,中小企业数量越来越多。中小企业受规模的限制 ,通常将精力集中在自己的核心业务上 ,对辅助业务进行外包。信息技术的发展为中小企业的这种经营模式提供了基础。时间协调与成本控制是中小企业ERP关注的重点。目前的ERP软件主要集中于计划、分析、执行的闭环体系 ,强调时间的正确性 ,而对成本的控制能力较弱。现主要在现行ERP的时间管理基础上 ,在闭环体系中 ,融入成本因素 ,强化主动控制 ,使中小企业在快速多变的市场竞争中赢得主动。
With the development of market economy and information technology, more and more small enterprises pay their attention to the key business, the assistant affairs are contracted with other corporations. It is the base of this management model. The identical time and cost control are kernel problem. Current ERP systems are not suitable for the solution. It developed ERP, that was in closed loop, connected with the cost factor and initiative control, could be useful in market competition.
国家科技攻关计划资助项目 :中小企业资源管理软件系统 (2001BA201A03)