本文介绍了座落在瑞典斯德哥尔摩市的凡登电站由ABBCarbon 公司制造的世界上第一台烧煤PFBC 装置投入商业化运行的概况.该装置的发电量为137MW,发热量为220MW.还简要介绍了电站各主要装置的设计特点.详尽地叙述了装置600小时验收试验的结果.
The status that the first PFBC plant in the world made in ABBCarbon Co.has bcen operated commercially in Stockholms' Vcrdonpower station in Switzerland is presented.The output and heat-producing capability of this unit is 137MW and 220MWindividually.The design featurcs of the main plants are describcdsimply and the results of acceptance test in 600 hours are given indetail.
Power System Engineering