Historical practice has repeatedly proved that unswervingly supporting the authority of the CPC Central Committee is the guarantee for the Communist Party of China to lead the revolution,construction and reform from victory to victory.Supporting the authority of the CPC Central Committee is the internal regulation of the strict organization system of the CPC,relationship between the party leaders and their subordinates,which is decided that the subordinates must submit to the tops and all people submit to the CPC Central Committee.The political consciousness,the overall situation consciousness,the core consciousness and the alignment consciousness are the unity to establish the authority of the CPC Central Committee and the“four consciousness”is the inevitable requirement to support the authority of the CPC Central Committee.To strengthen the party’s political construction,enhance the party’s organizational power,highlight the political function,improve leading cadres’political ability,follow party political life seriously,purify the party’s political ecology and build the party’s inner culture,we must implement the requirements to support the authority of the CPC Central Committee.The construction of Marxist political party should design this important article to support the authority of the CPC Central Committee.
Journal of Red Culture