中国近代高等教育从产生之日起 ,就形成国家办理与民间举办两种体制并存的格局。中国近代私立高等学校的产生 ,归根到底是由于民族危机的刺激 ,是受益于重教兴学这一中华民族的优良传统。在私立高等学校的发展历程中 ,历届政府一直在不断探索、调整、完善其政策 ,以期对私立高等学校在宏观上给予鼓励、支持的同时 ,对其办学质量和规模进行规范和监控。在新中国成立之前的 60年间 ,私立高等学校不仅为民族的复兴和国家的独立培养、输送了大批杰出人才 。
From the very beginning of Modern Chinese higher learning, there had been two systems, one was state own and the other was private own. During the evolution of private institution of higher learning, the government kept exploring, adjusting and perfecting its policy. By doing so, it hoped to give necessary macroscopcial encouragement and support, as well as to control and supervise the quality & scope of those private institutions. During the 60 years before the foundation of the P.R.China., the private institutions not only cultivated and provided a large number of talents for the independence and revival of our nation, but also accumulated precious experience for the development of Chinese higher education.
Peking University Education Review