

On Deng Xiaoping's Thought and Practice of Abolishing Lifelong Tenure for Cadres
摘要 主张废除干部领导职务终身制,以利于干部新老交替,是邓小平的一贯思想。特别是进入新时期以后,他从党和国家领导制度的改革与党和国家事业兴衰成败的战略高度,不仅明确提出要建立退休制度从而废除干部领导职务终身制,系统论述了建立退休制度从而废除干部领导职务终身制的重大意义,创造性地提出设立顾问委员会作为干部领导职务从终身制向退休制过渡的组织形式,而且身体力行,带头反复要求并彻底退下领导岗位,为建立退休制度从而彻底废除干部领导职务终身制发挥了表率作用。邓小平力倡并带头践行废除干部领导职务终身制的思想与实践,无论是对于改革和完善我们党的干部制度,增强党的干部队伍的生机与活力进而增强党和国家的生机与活力,确保党和国家的事业后继有人,还是对于党的第二代中央领导集体向第三代中央领导集体顺利过渡,保证党和国家的稳定发展,都具有十分重大而深远的影响。 Abolishing the system of life tenure in leading posts to promote the replacement of the old by the new is Deng Xiaoping's consistent thought. With the advent of the new period of socialistic modernization, Deng Xiaoping, from the strategic view of reforming the system of Party and state leadership and their prosperity, not only clearly defined the task of setting up the retirement system and abolishing the system of life tenure in leading posts, discussed systematically the significance of the two systems and put forward creatively the establishment of the advisory committee as an organization of transition for cadres from lifelong tenure to retirement, but also practiced what he advocated by taking the lead in requiring repeatedly and announcing his retirement completely, which played a leading role in establishing the retirement system and abolishing the system of life tenure in leading posts. Deng Xiaoping promoted and practiced the idea of abolishing the system of life tenure in leading posts, which has a very significant and far-reaching influence on reforming and improving the cadre system of Party, strengthening the vitality of cadres, the Party and the state, and ensuring the qualified successors of the great cause, the smooth transition of the central leadership group from the second generation to the third one and the guarantee of the stable development of the Party and the state.
作者 李合敏
出处 《河套学院论坛》 2013年第2期5-8,23,共5页 HETAO COLLEGE FORUM
关键词 邓小平 废除干部领导职务终身制 思想 实践 Deng Xiaoping abolishing the lifelong tenure for cadres thought practice
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