Investigations conducted in the last years of the Qing dynasty has left a large number of historical sources of the greatest value,of which,in my opinion,the"Tao Pi Gong Du"by Liu Ruji(刘汝骥),the then governor of Huizhou,is the most systematic and comprehensive work on the social customs of the prefecture of Huizhou,and is invaluable for the study of the social and cultural history of Huizhou.In view of the fact that,the study of social history in the late Qing dynasty is a weak point in Huizhou studies,and the book"Tao Pi Gong Du"has not yet been made full use of by scholars,this article tries to,explore Huizhou’s popular life and social transformation in the late Qing dynasty,from the perspective of social and cultural history,with this book as basic historical evidence and in combination with on-the spot investigation and recently discovered documents about Huizhou.
Journal of Hui Studies