本文对采自山西省的虫生真菌粉质拟青霉 990 5菌株的培养条件进行了全面的分析 ,旨在寻求一种能在山西省大面积推广应用的虫生真菌杀虫剂 .试验结果表明 ,IDA(虫粉培养基 )上菌落生长最快 ,菌落直径最大 ;2 0℃ 2 5℃是菌丝生长的最适温度 ;光照对粉质拟青霉 990 5菌丝生长及产孢量有一定的影响 .
In this paper, cultivated conditions of Entomogenous Fungus Paecilomyces farinosus were studied. The results showed as follow: IDA medium was better than other media. P.farinosus on this medium grew fairly well and produced abundant conidia. The growth temperature of this fungi ranged from 5℃ to 30℃, and optimum temperature of producing conidia is 20℃. Meanwhile, humidity and PH also had effect on it.
Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition)