对辽宁省内六个自然片区 ,不同等级公路的沥青路面病害进行了全面调查研究 ,并重点对沈大高速公路进行了检测分析 ,系统地分析和归纳了分布于辽宁省各地的普通公路与高速公路沥青路面所出现的病害类型、特点及其成因 ,并进行了对比分析 。
On the basic of the practical requirement for pavement maintenance of Liaoning Province, this paper researches into the asphalt pavement distress of six natural districts, and analyses the types, characters and causes of pavement distress, which existed in ordinary roads and freeways in different areas. A contrast analysis was made between two kinds of highways. The statistically analytical results can be regarded as the important reference for pavement maintenance systems.
Journal of Shenyang Architectural and Civil Engineering University(Nature Science)
辽宁省交通科技重点攻关项目 (2 0 0 0路 0 0 2 )