光绪初年 ,俄商违反中俄双方协定向蒙古地区偷运砖茶 ,经过总税务司赫德的核查发现 ,偷运砖茶数量巨大、后果严重 ,垄断了蒙古砖茶市场 ,排挤了华商 ,引起各国的不满。天津海关道提出制定《蒙古税则》以杜绝砖茶私售蒙古、恢复华商活力并增加财政收入。总理衙门以与成案不符 ,流弊滋多批驳。恰值曾纪泽赴俄解决崇厚所签条约的善后之行。他在《圣·彼得堡条约》中满足了俄国在蒙古及我国西北边境贸易的全部要求。这个以满足通商要求换回土地的谈判原则 ,对蒙古地区的损害至大 ,使俄国在蒙古的影响逐渐超过中国。辛亥革命以后蒙古闹独立 。
The smuggling and illicit dumping of the tea bricks was rampant in Mongolia in the early days of the reign of emperor Guangxu. (2) After exam and check, Hobert Hart (1835-1911), the general commissioner of Customs to China, aware the gravity of the problem that it had been bringing serious effects. The smuggling and dumped the tea bricks by the Russian merchants had been monopolizing the tea bricks market in Mongolia, jeopardizing the Chinese tea business in the area and arising the other countries' grievance. (3) The Zongli Yamen, the Office in charge of Foreign Affairs of the Qing Government, under the pretext of the possibility of violating the established agreement of the border trade between China and Russia and its negative effects, rejected the proposal of devising a Mongolia tariff schedule submitted by the Tianjin Custom intendant in consideration of the smuggling and illicit dumping of the tea bricks. (4) By then, Zeng Jize was sent to Russia to settle the aftermath of signing The Treaty of Yili and signed The Renew Treaty of Yili (The Treaty of St. Petersburg). In the Treaty the Qing government satisfied what Russia required on China's north-west border to resume the territories occupied by Russia. It jeopardied Chinese interests in Mongolia very much, and Russian influences were more and more in Mongolia. After Chinese Revolution in 1911, independent movement arose in Mongolia. Its cause could be traced back to above-mentioned affaire.
Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
教育部"九五"重点社科项目 ( 5 2 1C)
Russian Businessmen
Smuggle of Tea Bricks
Robert Hart
Regulation of Customs Rate in Mongolia
Treaty of St. Petersburg (A New Treaty of Yili)
Zhou Fu