《水浒传》鲁智深形象 ,在晚明被解读为具有佛性的真和尚 ,最有代表性的是李贽的批点。这固然与这一形象的文化内涵已经具备了狂禅意味有关 ,在当时的环境下 ,文人超越出世入世界限看问题 ,推崇豪杰品格 ,以及狂禅的纵情自在的人生境界 ,也构成了接受过程中的“期待视野”。这种“期待视野”导致了当时的评点者 ,在阅读中 ,依循着禅理、禅趣的思路展开 。
The image of Lu Zhishen in Shui Hu Zhuan (SHZ, Biographies of the Strongmen of Liangshan Marsh) were explained and understood as a genuine monk bearing the nature of a Buddha by the literati in the later Ming Dynasty, of which the most representative was Li Zhi's commentary on SHZ. Li Zhi did much work on SHZ by marking words and phrases for special attentions with dots or small circles and writing comments. The Character of Lu, as described by the author of the novel, had the cultural connotation of an unrestrained monk. Literati under the social conditions of the later Ming Dynasty transcended the secular circumstance to view what they liked to view in coping with their heart's contain, admiring strongmen, indulging into free and unrestrained realm. The mentation like this when applied to an understanding process will lead to a kind of 'view of expectation'. It is not difficult to feel that the majority of the literati in the later Ming Dynasty who read and explained SHZ would follow the hows and whys of Buddhist dhyama to explore the image of Lu Zhishen a genuine monk bearing the nature of a Buddha, free and unrestrain.
Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
Lu Zhishen
Unification of Buddhism and Confucianism
Heroic Characters
Circumstance of Unrestrained and Free Lifestyle