明代的东南水师是为了维护国家的海洋权益而创立 ,其在布防、巡哨等方面具有时代特色。在抗倭、抗御西方殖民者斗争中捍卫了国家海权。郑成功的水师是维护海上贸易的武装 ,其以强大的海上力量收复台湾 ,是捍卫国家海权的重大事件。清代东南水师的建制、专业性质等方面更为完善 ,其防范外敌、维护海权的目的性十分明确。近代海军以维护国家海权为首要建军目的。明清两代水师、海军 ,都是海权意识发展的产物 ,并在维护国家海权方面发挥过重要作用。
The Southeast Naval Force in the Ming Dynasty , with its distinguishing feature of the times on its disposition and patrolling, was founded to safeguard countrys maritime rights. In fighting against Japanese pirates and resisting Western colonialists, the Southeast Naval Force had defended our country s maritime rights. Zheng Chenggongs navy was the armed forces in upholding trade on the sea, and the recapturing of Taiwan was a great event of safeguarding states maritime rights. The organizational system and professional nature of the Southeast Naval Force were becoming perfected in the Qing Dynasty, with its definite purpose of guarding against external enemies and safeguarding maritime rights. And ,the modern navy had taken defending states maritime rights as the principal aim of arm building. In fact, the naval forces in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, which both played an important role in defending countrys maritime rights, were the outgrowth of the development of Chinese maritime rights consciousness.
Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
The Southeast Naval Force, Chinese maritime rights consciousness, development